The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

115,00 €

The Catalog documents the extraordinary exhibition dedicated to the art of the sixteenth century in Florence, the lucky season of Italian art that Giorgio Vasari baptized "Modern Manner".

categories MICHELANGELO 3D

Exhibition Catalog Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, 21 September 2017-21 January 2018

Edited by Carlo Falciani and Antonio Natali

Essays by Cristina Acidini, Philippe Costamagna, Elizabeth Cropper, Carlo Falciani, Antonella Fenech Kroke, Alessandra Giannotti, Philippe Morel, Tommaso Mozzati, Antonio Natali, Massimiliano Rossi, Ludovica Sebregondi

Cards by Cristina Acidini, Grazia Badino, Andrea Baldinotti, Nadia Bastogi, Giorgio Bonsanti, Marco Campigli, Elena Capretti, Philippe Costamagna, Francesca de Luca, Carlo Falciani, Antonella Fenech Kroke, Cristina Gelli, Antonio Geremicca, Alessandra Giovannetti, Sefy Hendler, Philippe Morel, Antonio Natali, Marta Onali, Donatella Pegazzano, Claudio Pizzorusso, Marta Privitera, Roberto Marvin Wellman, Dimitrios Zikos, Michela Zurla

The Catalog is the last act of a trilogy that began with Bronzino in 2010, Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino in 2014, exhibitions of great value and impact, which have been visited by thousands of people. The volume proposes the exhibition itinerary that celebrates an entire exceptional cultural and creative era, marked by the Counter-Reformation of the Council of Trent and by the figure of Francesco I de'Medici. On display this time, over seventy works by artists such as Michelangelo, Andrea del Sarto, Bronzino, Giorgio Vasari, Rosso Fiorentino, Pontormo, Santi di Tito, Giambologna and Bartolomeo Ammannati. Works that have never been related to each other before in such a close and punctual way, in order to give an overall image of the period. In addition to the wonderful images of the works, the essays by leading experts of the historical and artistic period make the volume an essential testimony of value.


The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

Written in an agile and brilliant style, this book traces the well-known and lesser-known events of the most illustrious Italian family, which handed over to history two popes, two queens of France and the multifaceted and extraordinary personality of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

32,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

The Beautiful Princess by Leonardo Da Vinci - Portrait of Bianca Sforza


by Martin Kemp and Pascal Cotte

40,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

An extraordinary and exciting artistic journey dedicated to the sculpture and painting of the works that have made Florence a great artistic city and an undisputed symbol of the Italian Renaissance.

115,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

The volume, dedicated to the Renaissance genius of Leonardo, is presented not as a simple monograph of the artist's life but as a dense plot in which historical sources and artistic production intertwine in an unprecedented way, wisely mixed in a cultured language, but accessible to the larger audience.

55,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

The Opera Maestra series is inaugurated with this monograph, specifically aimed at focusing, from an unprecedented perspective, on the work and itinerary of the artists who made history.

25,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

Written in an agile and brilliant style, this book traces the well-known and lesser-known events of the most illustrious Italian family, which handed over to history two popes, two queens of France and the multifaceted and extraordinary personality of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

32,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

Written in an agile and brilliant style, this book traces the well-known and lesser-known events of the most illustrious Italian family, which handed over to history two popes, two queens of France and the multifaceted and extraordinary personality of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

32,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

The Catalog documents the extraordinary exhibition dedicated to the art of the sixteenth century in Florence, the lucky season of Italian art that Giorgio Vasari baptized "Modern Manner".

115,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA

An extraordinary and exciting artistic journey dedicated to the sculpture and painting of the works that have made Florence a great artistic city and an undisputed symbol of the Italian Renaissance.

115,00 €

The Cinquecento in Florence. Modern manner and counter reformation ITA


 The Opera Maestra series is inaugurated with this monograph, specifically aimed at focusing, from an unprecedented perspective, on the work and itinerary of the artists who made history.

25,00 €


Via Giuseppe la Farina 46

50132 Firenze, Italy


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