Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Playing cards with the Angels from Raffaello's famous painting "La Madonna Sistina".
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Set: 2 notebooks with pictures of Raffaello's Angels
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
2 postcards with Raffaello's image and with the bag.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Plastic ruler with a Raffaello theme with a length of 30cm.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Classic Raphael-themed silver-colored ballpoint pen.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Collectible saucer with a diameter of 10cm with a Raffaello theme: Raffaello's Portrait.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
2 Raffaello's memos where you can write.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Collectible saucer with a diameter of 10cm with a Raffaello theme: Madonna d'Alba.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Raffaello-themed saucer to attach to the refrigerator: Raffaello's Portrait.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Resin magnet themed Raffaello: Madonna Sistina.
Resin Magnet - Belle Jardiniere
Resin Magnet themed Raffaello: Raffaello's Portrait.
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MEDARTEC Distribution Srls Via G. La Farina 47 50132 Firenze (FI)